How to create your own blockchain powered online food ordering and delivery business application?

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Blockchain has already passed the phase where it needs support and appreciation. Now, everyone wants and require Blockchain to get into the real-world business application, so as to solve the real and complex problems of the business world.

The competition is getting tough and margins are decreasing; the need of the time is to remove the middlemen. There is one such business of food ordering and delivery application, it does not only increase ease but is related to something of everyday need; food.

Virginia Woolf in its book “A Room of One's Own” said, “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well”.

Issues prevailing in the current market and business model & how blockchain can solve these :

The food ordering business including the whole food business has gained in the past years. There are various aspects which are supporting the use of online food ordering and delivery application business.

Various companies and research houses have played with the figures relating to the use of digital methods in food delivery segment. But it meets some issues also.

High Commission Rate :

The current structure of online food ordering and delivery add-up numerous channels between the actual two parties; the provider and the consumer. As these layers increases so does the commission rate. The data from various sources suggest that this commission is as high as 20-30%.

On the other hand, courier team or the delivery teams involved always keep complaining about getting only the residual. Through bringing blockchain in place, whether restaurant owns the application or the third party, costs can be lowered by bringing automation and placing algorithms based on the blockchain.

Centralized Player and trust issues :

When in current scenario these applications are made to work, all the controls are held by the owner. All the other parties involved merely act without any rights. The other things which this centralization restricts are transparency and flow of information.

The third party player involved acts like being helpful to the restaurant business so as to maximize the profit, but rarely does it act that way. It not only hampers the food business but strikes hard on the customer acquisition strategy of the business. Blockchain in this place bring decentralization and allows the flow of information to all the parties involved.

Security check and growth :

As the delivery platform is not based on a blockchain, it makes the whole process of hiring a member in delivery panel a risky and gigantic issue to hustle with. The database details and process of hiring delivery staff always remain less stringent and anyone with past criminal records history of failure to abide by traffic rules can easily break into the team.

It could create havoc for the business. With blockchain, all the data whether related to crime, traffic misbehave or previous work information can be updated on the blockchain to use it for screening and hiring team members. This blockchain in future can also be integrated with that of government authorities, to further enhance the screening and selection process.

Regulations :

Government regulations and standards for safety and security play a major role in food ordering and delivery. It becomes impossible to know whether all the connected restaurants are having all the required certification or not, do they have passed the government checks in relation to hygiene and health and all other aspects which impact consumers and require due diligence.

Blockchain can make this an easy way to go, as all the details either updated on own by the restaurants or by integrating to concerned departments’ blockchain, can be found easily and do not ask the hefty amount of time. It becomes so easy to remain compliant.

Smart Contracts control it all :

The most prominent feature that blockchain can allow is the use of Smart Contracts. The process in the food ordering and delivery becomes automated and complaint to law.

Example: A smart contract allows filtering out every restaurant which is not complying with laws and to be removed from the users’ search itself; in which smart contract will use data on the blockchain. Also, payment does not require layering, the smart contract will auto execute payment action once delivery is confirmed and divert commission and food charges to different wallets on its own.

What is required to build such food order and delivery business application?

A blockchain based food ordering and delivery application require front end applications to interact with customers, and back-end function to integrate and smoothly run with Blockchain in use.

Mainly it will require some key elements like:-

Application :

This application can be based on mobile (IOS or Android) or on the web to be accessed through a web browser. This requires clean designing and advanced features to go hand in hand. The application needs to be based on modern-front end techniques. The basic features like ordering, saving favorites, applying filters needs to be combined with live tracking and voting functionalities for various purposes so as to build an application which can provide the top-notch user experience.

API and Wallet :

API (Application Programming Interface) being crucial to communicate between application and blockchain needs to have scalability and simplicity at its heart. API should be able to handle every object and methods with ease.

The wallet, on the other hand, requires being flexible enough to make payment through a wide array of option (cryptocurrency and even credit/debit card or other wallets). If the flexibility is heart then security is the blood and vice versa, it means the wallet needs to be secure enough and have all the security checkpoints cleared. This wallet being integrated into the application provides ease of operation, while the whole execution can take place even without this wallet being in place.

This blockchain based food ordering and delivery application needs to be developed by experts and needs a healthy consultation prior to being finalized. The experts in the development team should be well versed about stacks and should have command over the product development cycle.

In addition to this, a well-versed consultant needs to be in place to support and steer before, after and along the development phase on the best development company.

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